Hyde Park Middle School
The Academy of Science and Mathematics

Learning for Mastery

Parents » How To Apply

How To Apply

A. Apply online at http://magnetapp.ccsd.net. Send a copy of the first trimester report card from this school year to the address below.


B. Complete a paper application. The completed application and the first trimester report card may be sent to the following address, or you may also drop off the application and/or report card at Hyde Park.

Magnet/CTA Office
5708 Mountain Vista Street
Las Vegas, NV 89120

Hyde Park Middle School
900 Hinson Street
Las Vegas, NV 89107
799-4260 Ext. 4205

Sixth Grade CCSD Applicants: Complete Application and Submit first trimester Report Card

Seventh/Eighth Grade CCSD Applicants: Complete Application

High School Applicants: Complete Application

Private School/Out-of-District Applicants: Complete Application, Submit first semester Report Card and Submit copy of most recent standardized test scores.

Please direct questions about acceptance, testing, or program to Mrs. Waggoner.