Hyde Park Middle School
The Academy of Science and Mathematics

Learning for Mastery


Family and Community Engagement Services (FACES) is a CCSD department that is here to provide resources, support, and partnerships between families and the school. Hyde Park MS will be working with the FACES office and staff to help foster a family-friendly campus. 
FACES Parent/Guardian Modules
The Family and Community Engagement Services (FACES) department is providing opportunities
for adult family members of current students to access educational parent/guardian modules
through the University of Family Learning (UFL) Online. These informative modules will provide
academic and social-emotional support during distance learning and through the summer. Online
courses can be found at http://bit.ly/facesuflonline.
In order to best support PreK– Grade12 families,
the Family and Community Engagement Services
(FACES) Department is seeking your input on
upcoming online/virtual content for parents and
Please take the brief survey about your interests
by clicking on the link below!

Attention Families!
Academic Unit August 2020
Curriculum and Instruction Division
Family and Community Engagement Services (FACES)
Con el fin de apoyar mejor a las familias de
PreK-Grado 12, el Departamento de Servicios de
Participación Familiar y Comunitaria (FACES) está
solicitando su opinión sobre el próximo contenido
en línea/virtual para padres y tutores.
Por favor, realice una breve encuesta sobre sus
intereses haciendo clic en el enlace a
FACES Resources during Covid-19 school closures

Learning line Phone number: 702-799-6644

FACES Websites

http://faces.ccsd.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Master-Resource-Service-3.25.20.pdf  community resources

http://faces.ccsd.net/university-of-family-learning-ufl/100ways/ Online handouts and ideas to help with reading at home to build interest

http://faces.ccsd.net/university-of-family-learning-ufl/online-courses/  online help and modules for parents. 

http://faces.ccsd.net/family-toolbox/whats-cool-for-summer/ Continued support and ideas to help prevent summer slide.

Foodbank website:

CCSD Food Sites for children 18 and under: https://sites.google.com/nv.ccsd.net/distanceeducation/ccsd-resources/food-distribution-information/ccsd-food-service

Three Square Drive-through food bank: https://sites.google.com/nv.ccsd.net/distanceeducation/ccsd-resources/food-distribution-information/three-square-food-bank

Three Square Food Bank's Agency and Community Partners' emergency food distribution during the coronavirus outbreak;https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1qU_FIhaZiXFgIcNZRp5gtfU6PE2ifbVL&ll=36.15046417025536%2C-114.79566768789064&z=10

I hope this information on websites will be beneficial to your staff and families during this time. Please reach o