Hyde Park Middle School
The Academy of Science and Mathematics

Learning for Mastery

Gear Up » Gear Up

Gear Up

Hyde Park Middle School is pleased to inform you it is now a GEAR UP school. GEAR
UP is a program that helps students in grades 7th and 8th do well in school and plan for
their education and career after high school. As a GEAR UP student, your child will
have access to all kinds of information, activities, and services that will support them as
they prepare to move into high school and start to think about going to college.
Services include tutoring and homework help, academic advising, virtual job site and
college visits, virtual career exploration, summer programs to help prepare them as they
move into high school, just to name a few.
Please take a moment to watch the introductory video from our Gear Up advisors and NV Gear Up. 
If you would like your student to participate in Gear up please complete the interest form to the right of this page, the Google form below, or contact any of the staff that is listed on the right side. 
As part of our school being a Gear UP school, our 7th and 8th-grade students have a free membership to Student Success Agency (SSA).
This agency will provide free tutoring as well as any academic advice a student might need.
To get started, a student/parent/guardian just needs to text the word "Agent" to 214-544-9204
More information is on their website:
...or students can find out more in the Gear Up Canvas class. Students can email Mr. Phillips at [email protected] if they'd like to be added to the Canvas Gear Up class.
UNLV Summer STEM Camp is open. GEAR UP will pay for up to 50 students to attend one module of the camp ($300).  There are 4 modules, the topic, days, and times vary depending on the module. This opportunity is open to our current 7th - 12th graders. Students will need to register by May 1st to take advantage of GEAR UP covering the cost of the module. Please see attached flyer and share with your students. The registration link is on the flyer and it is below as well.