Free Football Camp at Cimarron Memorial High School Cimarron-Memorial High School is hosting a free football camp on July 28th, 29th, and 30th. This camp is in partnership with the NFL Alumni Association and the Morlon Greenwood Foundation. This camp is free and open to all students between the grades K - 12
Recognize an Outstanding Hyde Park Student Hyde Park has been chosen to take part in the R.A.R.E. Program. This program is to recognize students for their outstanding effort in school. Nominate a student today.
Last Day of School Monday, May 22nd, is the last day of school for all Hyde Park students. Students will be released at 11:40 am, and bus transportation will operate as usual with the adjusted times for early dismissal. Students can eat breakfast at Hyde Park; however, due to an 11:40 dismissal, we will not have a lunch break. Lunchboxes and food will not be allowed on campus; water is allowed. There should be no food or drinks, (other than water) in classrooms. All students must be off campus by 11:50 a.m. as there will be no supervision due to staff meetings.No bags should be brought on Monday, except for a small bag for personal hygiene products, no exceptions. Any items confiscated can be picked up on Wednesday, May 24th, from 9:00 am-12:00 pm.
Two Days Left - 8th-grade Farewell Dance This is a final reminder that the 8th grade farewell dance will be Friday May 19th from 6:30-8:30pm. This Friday is the LAST day to pay if you would like your student to attend. The dance will be held at Rainbow Gardens and will include free food (including appetizers and a chocolate fountain), a free photobooth, a DJ, and much more. The cost is $50. Students can pay with cash or card by seeing the banker in the front office.We have sent out many notices about this event to students, including a parent letter, a permission slip, and multiple announcements on Canvas. We would hate for students to miss out on this wonderful opportunity. If any student needs another copy of the permission slip, they can see Ms. Leja in room 509 to pick one up.Again, this Friday, May 5th is the LAST day to turn in permission slips and pay for your ticket to the 8th grade farewell dance.
Cops & Curls Event Las Vegas Metropolitan Police and the Black Police Association are hosting the Cops & Curls Event. It is a dance to create POSITIVE relations between youth and the police. The event is Saturday, April 15th, from 2:00 - 4:00 pm at Metro HQ.This is NOT a Hyde Park or CCSD sponsored event
Substitute Teachers are Needed The CCSD is looking for parents and community members to join the CCSD family and help fill a vital role in our schools as a substitute teacher. Please see the attachments or visit; for more information.
After-school Tutoring Hyde Park TutoringAs the second semester starts, remember that we offer tutoring for all students, Monday - Thursday. See the attached flyer for days, classrooms, and which subjects are offered.
Applications for Electives for the 2023-2024 School Year Over the next several weeks, our counselors will be meeting with all current 6th and 7th grade students to discuss elective options for the 2023-2024 school year. Some of our electives require an application be submitted before a student can be considered for the course. Please see the attached document for a description and a link to the applications. Classes requiring an application are:Student Council, Media Technology, *Spanish I, and *Pre-AP Biology Honors*Indicates a high school credit course
CCSD Online Registration All CCSD Students must have a current online registration completed each school year. Some of our families received messages about completing or updating their online registration. Please click on this story to access the CCSD online registration page.
Free Online Tutoring through Paper The Clark County School District has partnered with Paper to provide unlimited access to trained tutors—at no cost to families. Paper virtual tutoring is a secure, online service with trained tutors that provide expert academic support in a chat-based platform. Experts are available online to assist students in all subjects. Students can sign in from their Clever account at