CCSD School Choice Fair If you want to learn about our CCSD Magnet High Schools, please visit the upcoming School Choice Fair on October 14, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.The event will be held at Las Vegas Academy315 S. 7th St. Las Vegas NV 89101
Join the Hyde Park SOT As part of the reorganization of the Clark County SchoolDistrict, Hyde Park Middle School annually forms a SchoolOrganizational Team that includes 4 parents and guardians (2parents representing our magnet population and 2 parentsrepresenting our neighborhood population). All parents andguardians will have an opportunity to vote for members througha Google Form before September 15, 2023. Your input isimportant to the success of our school and students. Pleaseconsider how you can be involved in this processand make your voice heard at our school!
Two Weeks of Holiday Spirit Here are the upcoming spirit days that are a part of our Ten Days of Holidays Celebration:Week One: Mon. 12/4 ~ "Long Winter's Nap" Pajama DayTues. 12/5 ~ "Winter Sports" Represent your favorite sports teamWed. 12/6 ~ "Elf Yourself" Wear green, stripes, elf hats and ears, etc....Thur. 12/7 ~ "Channel Your Flanner" Wear your favorite flannel shirtFri 12/8 ~ "Twinkle Twins" Dress alikeWeek Two: Mon. 12/11 ~ "Bah Humbug!" Represent any other holiday than Christmas (no Halloween costumes)Tues. 12/12 ~ "The Nightmare Before Christmas" Wear all blackWed 12/13 ~ "Ugly Sweater Day" Wear your creation from our Ugly Sweater Soiree or any other ugly holiday sweaterThurs 12/14 ~ "You're a Gift" Dress as a holiday presentFri. 12/15 ~ "Santa's Helpers" 8th grade ~ Santa themed; 7th grade ~ elf themed; 6th grade ~ Reindeer themedStudents who participate in spirit days will get PBIS tickets in advisory class. We will be sure each teacher gets a few extra :)
Winter Student Council Activities Here are the upcoming spirit days that are a part of our Ten Days of Holidays Celebration:Week One: Mon. 12/4 ~ "Long Winter's Nap" Pajama DayTues. 12/5 ~ "Winter Sports" Represent your favorite sports teamWed. 12/6 ~ "Elf Yourself" Wear green, stripes, elf hats and ears, etc....Thur. 12/7 ~ "Channel Your Flanner" Wear your favorite flannel shirtFri 12/8 ~ "Twinkle Twins" Dress alikeWeek Two: Mon. 12/11 ~ "Bah Humbug!" Represent any other holiday than Christmas (no Halloween costumes)Tues. 12/12 ~ "The Nightmare Before Christmas" Wear all blackWed 12/13 ~ "Ugly Sweater Day" Wear your creation from our Ugly Sweater Soiree or any other ugly holiday sweaterThurs 12/14 ~ "You're a Gift" Dress as a holiday presentFri. 12/15 ~ "Santa's Helpers" 8th grade ~ Santa themed; 7th grade ~ elf themed; 6th grade ~ Reindeer themedStudents who participate in spirit days will get PBIS tickets in advisory class. We will be sure each teacher gets a few extra :)Ugly Sweater Soiree: Thursday, 12/7/23 3:00 - 3:50Students bring a sweater or shirt to decorate and we supply all the materials, cookies and cocoa provided. Tickets will be on sale Mon 12/4 ~ Wed 12/6 for $3
Spirit Week - 10/30 - 11/3 Student Council is sponsoring a Spirit Week 10/30 - 11/3Spirit Week:Monday 10/30 - Superhero Day (dress like a superhero)Tuesday 10/31 - Costume Day (dress in your Halloween costume)Wednesday 11/1 - Dress as a Celebrity Day (dress like your fave celebrity)Thursday 111/2 - Horror Movie Day (dress as your favorite horror movie character)Friday 11/3 - HPMS Spirit Wear, or Black and Yellow dayNo masks, weapons, or face paint covering more than 50% of a student's face are allowed for costume day and horror movie day.
Schedule Change Form All schedule change requests must be done using this form. Please do not call, email, or come into the office to request a change. Schedules will only be changed to meet core class academic requirements and must fulfill a number of criteria. The schedule change form must be completed using your CCSD student email account.
Open House Google Slide Presentations Please use the attached link to access the teachers' Open House presentation for this school year.
Chromebook Distribution All Hyde Park students will be issued a CCSD-controlled Chromebook to support their education during the 2023-2024 school year. The following form must be completed before your student checks out a Chromebook. If you have more than one child that attends Hyde Park MS, please complete a separate form for each child. will be distributed starting August 8th from Room 205 during the student’s school orientation meetings. Beginning August 14th, we will distribute Chromebooks from 7:30 am - 8:00 am in room 205. After completing the form, you will receive an email confirming your responses.
Open House We are having Open House on Thursday, August 3rd, beginning at 4:30 pm. Open House will be for the parents/guardians only. Students are NOT to attend Open House as they will receive the same information the first few days of school. Our teachers will have about 7 minutes to present their information, and then the classes will rotate. For families that are unable to attend in person, we will be posting the Google Slide presentations that our teachers have prepared on our website between 3:00 and 4:00 pm on Thursday. Attendance on campus is voluntary. All students will get their schedule from their Advisory/alpha homeroom on Monday, August 7th. Due to balancing classes and meeting student credit requirements, schedules are subject to change.