Feb. 12- 14

This week, students will rotate through stations to complete the assignments for the week.

NoRedInk: Students will practice finding strong evidence to support the claim. Remember that evidence needs to be a fact, it needs to be relevant, and it needs to come from a reliable source.

Do the practice titled, “Strong Evidence”.

If you did not already, you may go back and do the following to gain some points:

  • Context for Nonfiction
  • Claim and Evidence

We will have a common assessment on evidence on NoRedInk, so make sure you take your time to understand the material instead of guessing to move on to the next question.

Writing and Research Station:  Students will collect and organize evidence to support the claim. Make sure to fill in the pro/con chart that both support and goes against your claim. Make sure you do not use 1st or 2nd person in your writing.  You need to have at least three reliable sources. Make sure you complete the form for “Got Credibility” that is attached to the link with the Pro/Con chart for all sources you collect.  Your articles must be annotated by color. One color will be for pro and the other will be for the con. Each piece of textual evidence must have a sticky note attached to it with an explanation on how this backs up the claim. You must use Diigo and you must add your annotation notes to the pro/con sheet. You can find details by clicking on this link: Direction for Pro/con and annotations.

Once you are collecting evidence please work on Framework for Argument and Counter Arguments. This Doc is on View only, so go to file and “Make a copy”. Then titled this “Framework for Argument and Counter Arguments” on the left-hand corner above “File, Edit, and View”. This will make it easier to find this file later.

Language and Vocabulary: Students will write a narrative, song, or poem using all five vocabulary words and post it in schoology. You will not be able to see others’ narrative until you post your assignment on schoology. Once you have posted your assignment, please reply in a substantive way to two peers. Vote on the best narrative by clicking “Like” next to the person’s name.

Conventions: Catch up on the previous assignments from above.

Test on Wednesday on Vocabulary.