The classroom discipline - Read and Sign

The classroom discipline plan follows Hyde Park Panthers’ discipline

  1. Learn to take precedence.
  2. Interfering with anyone’s learning is not appropriate.
  3. Respecting property: Treating others with respect and courtesy is essential.
  4. Behaving safely at all times is necessary.


  1. First Violation: Any student who does not follow the rules, expectations, and procedures will receive a warning. After being invited to do so, you are showing disrespect to peers in the class and the teacher. One-on-One Conference: Grade (S) Citizenship
  2. Second Violation: A call home will also follow. * Contact the parent; you may change seating grade (S) citizenship.
  3. Third Violation: The third offense will result in detention. Removed from artwork* A different assignment will be given; see attachment PS: The student changes seating. Not group seat; individual seat; write a letter of pardon. Grade (S) Citizenship –
  4. Fourth Violation: Removal from Artwork; Counselor Referral/Detention; Grade (U) Citizenship: The student gets the fourth point.
  5. Fifth Violation Removal from Artwork—Dean Referral—U Grade in Citizenship


It is your decision on how well you complete your projects, classwork, and homework. Your grades are a reflection of yourself, your attitude, and your willingness to try your best. If you do not complete your work, it will reflect in your grade.


We are all unique individuals with a variety of talents and ideas to contribute. We have a variety of interests, likes, and dislikes. That is what makes the world interesting! Keep a positive attitude, incorporate your interests into your artwork, and you will have a successful time in art class. I appreciate your cooperation and know you will participate to the best of your ability. I look forward to a creative year and fun memories!