Hyde Park Middle School
The Academy of Science and Mathematics

Learning for Mastery

Mr. Scott Miller » welcome to 2024-25

welcome to 2024-25




Please read this to learn details about the 2023 Winter Concert:

Dear Guitar Parents, Guardians, and Students:                                          11/29/23


Just a reminder, the Hyde Park Middle School Guitar Performance Concerts will take place in the gym at Hyde Park this year.  If you have not done so already, be sure to mark your calendars for Wednesday, December 6th (Winter Concert) and Wednesday, May 8th (Spring Concert). The Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Guitar classes invite you to come and see their performance on December 6th. All of the students have been working very hard, and we look forward to seeing you all there.

Concert attendance is mandatory for every student.  Concerts are worth 500 points, and therefore, a huge part of all students’ grades.  It is very important that all students arrive on time, are dressed appropriately, and behave with the proper concert etiquette at all times.  Students who do not show for a concert performance will not receive the 500 points, and will not be allowed to make up the points.  Extreme emergencies will be evaluated on an individual basis.  I must receive written notice, or telephone contact, prior to the start of the concert performance in such an event. (Students who are allowed to make up the 500 points will do so by typing a five page paper on a topic that I assign.) 

The concert call time for Beginning students is 4:45 pm. Period 1 students need to be in their assigned seats, in room 400, and all other students must have signed in on their attendance sheet and returned to sit with their families in the gym by 5:00 pm.  The concert performance begins at 5:15 pm in the gym.  All Beginning students must be on time for the 4:45 pm call.  Rollcall will be taken, and all students are required to stay for their portion of the concert.


The concert call time for Intermediate and Advanced students is 6:00 pm. Students need to be in their assigned seats, in the cafeteria.  The Intermediate/Advanced concert performance begins at 6:30 pm in the gym.  All Intermediate and Advanced students must be on time for the 6:00 pm call. 


There will be an intermission between the Beginning Concert and the Intermediate/Advanced Concert. During this intermission, parents should meet their Beginning students in the courtyard to take them home. Intermediate and Advanced Parents can then take seats in the gym. The Beginning concert should be over around 6:15 pm. The Intermediate/Advanced concert should end by 7:30 pm. Students are to arrange for a ride to and from the concert.  Please make sure that all students are picked up promptly after the concert to ensure their safety.

We look forward to seeing you at this Winter Concert!

Thank you,


Mr. Miller

Director of Guitar Instruction




Estimados padres, tutores y estudiantes de guitarra:                                                11/29/23


Solo un recordatorio, los conciertos de guitarra de Hyde Park Middle School se llevarán a cabo en el gimnasio de Hyde Park este año. Si aún no lo ha hecho, asegúrese de marcar en sus calendarios el miércoles 6 de diciembre (Concierto de Invierno) y el miércoles 8 de mayo (Concierto de Primavera). Las clases de Guitarra Principiante, Intermedio y Avanzado te invitan a venir a ver su presentación el 6 de diciembre. Todos los estudiantes han estado trabajando muy duro y esperamos verlos a todos allí.


La asistencia al concierto es obligatoria para todos los estudiantes. Los conciertos valen 500 puntos y, por tanto, una gran parte de las notas de todos los estudiantes. Es muy importante que todos los estudiantes lleguen a tiempo, estén vestidos apropiadamente y se comporten con la etiqueta adecuada del concierto en todo momento. Los estudiantes que no se presenten a un concierto no recibirán los 500 puntos y no se les permitirá recuperar los puntos. Las emergencias extremas se evaluarán de forma individual. Debo recibir una notificación por escrito o contacto telefónico antes del inicio del concierto en tal evento. (Los estudiantes a quienes se les permite recuperar los 500 puntos lo harán escribiendo un trabajo de cinco páginas sobre un tema que yo asigne).


La hora de llamada del concierto para los estudiantes principiantes es a las 4:45 pm. Los estudiantes del período 1 deben estar en sus asientos asignados, en el salón 400, y todos los demás estudiantes deben haber firmado en su hoja de asistencia y regresar para sentarse con sus familias en el gimnasio antes de las 5:00 p.m. El concierto comienza a las 17:15 horas en el gimnasio. Todos los estudiantes principiantes deben llegar a tiempo a la llamada de las 4:45 pm. Se pasará lista y todos los estudiantes deberán quedarse durante su parte del concierto.


El horario de convocatoria del concierto para estudiantes de Intermedio y Avanzado es a las 6:00 pm. Los estudiantes deben estar en sus asientos asignados, en la cafetería. El concierto Intermedio/Avanzado comienza a las 6:30 pm en el gimnasio. Todos los estudiantes de Intermedio y Avanzado deben llegar a tiempo a la llamada de las 6:00 pm.


Habrá un intermedio entre el Concierto Inicial y el Concierto Intermedio/Avanzado. Durante este intermedio, los padres deben reunirse con sus estudiantes principiantes en el patio para llevarlos a casa. Los padres de nivel intermedio y avanzado pueden sentarse en el gimnasio. El concierto de inicio debería terminar alrededor de las 6:15 pm. El concierto Intermedio/Avanzado debería terminar a las 7:30 pm. Los estudiantes deben organizar el transporte hacia y desde el concierto. Asegúrese de que todos los estudiantes sean recogidos puntualmente después del concierto para garantizar su seguridad.


¡Esperamos verte en este Concierto de Invierno!





Mr. Miller

Director de instrucción de guitarra






Please mark your calendars for December 6th, 2023  as well as May 8th, 2024 for our Winter and Spring Concerts at Hyde Park Middle School's Gym.


CLASS                                                                CLASS CODE

    Beginner per 1 book 1


    Beginning Guitar Per 1  book 2 etv430

    Beginner per 2 book 1


    Beginning Guitar Per 2   book 2


    Beginner per 3 book 1


    Beginning Guitar Per 3  book 2


    Beginner per 7 book 1


    Beginning Guitar Per 7  book 2


    Beginner per 8 book 1


    Beginning Guitar Per 8  book 2


    Beginner per 9  book 1


    Beginning Guitar Per 9  book 2


    Intermediate Guitar Per 10 Book 1


    Intermediate Guitar per 10  Book 2


    Advanced Guitar Per 5/6 book 1


    Advanced Guitar Per 5/6 book 2



This is the link to the REQUIRED Dress for the ADVANCED CLASS MEMBERS ONLY. Please order this early enough to try it on and be able to exchange it if it doesn't fit properly WELL BEFORE our December Concert.

Style 4895AT - Stretch Velvet Bodice with Velvet Flocked Chiffon Skirt

Empire style dress featuring a cowl neckline and cap sleeves. Shown with a stretch velvet bodice and velvet flocked chiffon with glitter skirt. A royal satin waist trim with sewn in E-Z FIT sash ties create a perfect waistline everytime. 

Allow 3 weeks for manufacturing.
(4 weeks Oct./Nov.)
*No time to wait? See our black Express Dresses for KWIK delivery!

Available in virtually every size!
Misses sizes 00 - 34.
Children sizes 05 - 13.



Here is a link to a Black Tuxedo Shirt for your convenience:


This Year's "Rockin' Deals"

Mr. Miller's Contact Info

Mr. Miller can be easily and quickly reached at [email protected]. I can also be contacted at the school telephone number 702-799-4260 and I will respond as soon as possible. The easiest way to reach Mr. Miller is by joining the appropriate REMIND CLASS. The links are as follows:
please use this link to receive reminders for Advanced Guitar Class
Please use this link to receive reminders for Beginner Guitar
Please use this link to receive Intermediate Guitar Reminders


 For our Guitar Ensemble to reflect the quality of our program, it is important to have a uniform look during our performances, quality instruments, and quality music. This year the Fine Arts Department is instituting a COURSE FEE of $30.00 to cover the cost of Ensemble Shirts, music and licensing, and strings and repairs.

We have arranged for a clothing company to create a Polo Shirt that carries our logo. As part of the concert attire, your child will also be required to wear black pants and black shoes. These are not included in the Course fee. Please make arrangements to supply these. Girls may choose to wear long black skirts if they so desire. Please contact me with any questions at 799-4260.

 Thank you,

 Mr. Miller

Director of Guitar Instruction