Hyde Park Middle School
The Academy of Science and Mathematics

Learning for Mastery

Beginning Choir

Course Description

Welcome to Hyde Park Choir!

Welcome to the Hyde Park Middle School Choir Program!  Thank you for choosing to play an integral part in this program.  This program is designed to build confidence, community, and creativity through the study of choral music. 

I believe that music education is an important part of a student’s well-rounded learning experience. It fosters autonomy, critical thinking, and relationship building.  An ensemble is only as strong as their weakest link – both musically and behaviorally.  Each student must hold themselves accountable for their own actions.  Choir will not be an “easy A,” but President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is to work hard at work worth doing.”  I hope you and your students experience the great worth of singing together in a choir.

I am thrilled to start here at this amazing school and build relationships with you and the community.  I believe that music can unite people from various backgrounds and learning styles and plan to teach with this value in mind.  We can achieve success as a school community if we work together towards the same goal. 


Mrs. Caitlin Francese